Nginx Nginx::Test Nginx::Redis Nginx::HTTP
Nginx::HTTP - asynchronous http client for nginx-perl
use Nginx; use Nginx::HTTP; ngx_http "", "GET / HTTP/1.1" . "\x0d\x0a" . "Host: localhost" . "\x0d\x0a" . "" . "\x0d\x0a" , sub { my ($headers, $buf_ref) = @_; unless ($headers) { ngx_log_error $!, "error"; return; } ngx_log_notice 0, "got $headers->{'_status'}"; ... };
Fast and simple asynchronous http client for nginx-perl. Supports keepalive.
ngx_http ngx_http_client
ngx_http "$ip:$port:key=value;key=value...", $request, sub { }
Establishes new connection with $ip:$port
and sends raw HTTP
request. $request
should be either scalar or scalar reference.
Additionally there are two options available: timeout
and ssl
. E.g.:
ngx_http ";timeout=15", ... ngx_http "", ... ngx_http "", ...
Calls back with parsed response header in $_[0]
and scalar reference to
the body in $_[1]
$headers = { _status => 503, content-type => ['text/html'], content-length => [1234], ... }; $body = \"foobar";
is cleared right after the callback, so you have to copy its
content if you want to use it later.
On error calls back without any arguments. Tries to reconnect on the next request.
For now every connection is cached forever. But you can use ngx_http_client
to create desired caching behaviour.
ngx_http "", "GET / HTTP/1.1" . "\x0d\x0a" . "Host: localhost" . "\x0d\x0a" . "" . "\x0d\x0a" , sub { my ($headers, $body_ref) = @_; unless ($headers) { ngx_log_error $!, "error"; return; } ngx_log_notice 0, "got $headers->{'_status'}"; ... };
Alexandr Gomoliako <>
Copyright 2012 Alexandr Gomoliako. All rights reserved.
This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.
© 2012 Alexandr Gomoliako